NuWave's LightWave solutions can be used in a wide range of environments and provide a huge number of benefits for HPE NonStop applications. With so much on offer, where do you start? When doing a trial of LightWave ServerTM or LightWave ClientTM, you might find a demo in our GitHub repository that you can use to be up and running in a matter of minutes. This article shows you what's available.
First off, what is GitHub, and where can the NuWave GitHub repository be found? GitHub is the largest source code version control and management system in the world, hosting over 100 million source repositories. As a developer, it is easy to work with, allow simple source control, and for our purposes, host and download software projects. The NuWave GitHub repository is located at When you visit that location you'll see the following screen:

All in, the NuWave GitHub repository contains 9 complete demo projects. Each of them are comprehensively documented, and very easy to download and set up. Here is a quick summary of each project.
LightWave ServerTM Projects
lws-nonstop-explorer -
NonStop Explorer is a simple GUI that shows NonStop status. Implemented using LightWave ServerTM, it shows how easy it is to retrieve system status and display it in an intuitive fashion via a lightweight client.
lws-employee-crud -
This demo shows simply and clearly how REST can be used to perform all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functions.
LightWave ClientTM Projects
lwc-geocode -
This LightWave ClientTM demo illustrates how to use the Google Geocoding API. Geocoding is the process of converting addresses into latitude/longitude coordinates. This capability could be used, for example, in a payment application to verify the location of a transaction.
lwc-open-exchange-rates -
This Lightwave ClientTM example shows how to access foreign currency exchange rates provided by the Open Exchange Rates REST API.
lwc-aws-simple-notification-service -
This demo shows how to send an SMS message using the AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS). This project is used by the acme-card-manager project (see below).
lwc-aws-security-token-service -
This sample application shows how to assume an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role using the AWS Security Token Service. This approach could be used by HPE NonStop applications to participate in an enterprise implementation of AWS STS.
lwc-okta-client-credentials-flow -
A sample application that illustrates how to retrieve, validate and revoke OAuth2 access tokens using the Okta Identity Service. This approach could be used to implement OAuth2 in NonStop applications.
Other Projects
acme-card-manager -
This demo, which was shown at NonStop TBC in 2019, simulates a traditional NonStop payment application like BASE24 or Connex, and shows how the functions of that payment application might be REST-enabled using LightWave ServerTM. The demo also uses LightWave ClientTM to send SMS text alerts for transactions, via the lwc-aws-simple-notification-service project, which uses Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).
lw-message-logging -
This project shows how to create a message logging collector for use with LightWave ClientTM or LightWave ServerTM.
There's sure to be something here that would be useful in your HPE NonStop environment, so why not jump in and take a look? If you'd like more information on any of these projects, or other ways that LightWave ServerTM and LIghtWave ClientTM can help in your own shop, please get in contact with us.